Believe it or not, earwax buildup is often the cause of hearing loss!
Cermen, commonly known as earwax, and ear health go hand-in-hand.
Earwax collects dirt, debris, and bacteria, preventing unwanted foreign bodies from entering the ear.
It has lubrication properties to keep the ears from getting dry and itchy.
It acts as an antifungal and antibacterial, helping to fight infections in and around our ears.
Ears can generally rid of excess earwax themselves, but in some cases, normal cleaning methods are not effective enough.
Common symptoms of excess earwax:
- Difficulty hearing
- Fullness or ringing in the ears
- Pain/Irritation in the ear
- An odor coming from the ear
- Dizziness or imbalance
You think you have excess earwax, now what?
If you think you have wax excess buildup, the safest thing to do is schedule an appointment with your hearing health provider, so they can do a video otoscopy and find the best treatment for you.
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